Archive for road trip

Road trip time-lapse from the backseat

Posted in photo tours, Photographer, Photography, Ron Wyatt, Travel with tags , , , , , , on March 25, 2012 by mmphototours

We recently had the opportunity to be part of the Florida Camera Club Council Annual Conference. This is a great event where upwards of 50 camera clubs from around the state come together to receive awards from photo contests, visit with photography vendors & listen to presentations from well known photographers such as Artie Morris, George Lepp and Ron Wyatt to name a few.

We were able to visit with a many of these camera club members about our tours and what we do. But first we had to get there. Road trip! We hopped in the car and drove over 2500 miles. To make things a little more interesting I decided to try my first time-lapse. Having seen the finished product I now know that I need to take many many more photos to make the time-lapse better. Either way its fun to see most of the country fly by in this time-laps shot from the back seat of a car.